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Laura Larmo Photographer
Lake Como seen from the Vezio Castle

# 0 7  H E L L O  A G A I N

t o p i c s  o f  t h i s  n e w s l e t t e r :

• S p r i n g  I s  H e r e — L a k e  C o m o

• T h e  L u u p e

• D r o u g h t  2 0 2 2  ( a n d  w h a t  a b o u t  2 0 2 3 . . . ? )

(see previous newsletters here)

Around Lake Como

S P R I N G  I S  H E R E  A G A I N

Last spring I had the pleasure to spend few days around Lake Como on an assignment for Hemispheres magazine. Travelling to Italy can sometimes seem almost like a cliché, but when you visit certain places, eating so well along the way—well, it's easy to get the point of Italy being so popular.

You may already know this: it's easy to see plenty of places around the lake(s) without a car and move around by train and/or by ferry instead—and just on foot.

(And while I'm at it—more travel/food related photos in separate galleries can be found here!)

My profile on The Luupe website

I N  T H E  L U U P E

I'm so thrilled to announce that I've been accepted as one of the photographers of The Luupe!

When you will hire us?

Ticino river in July 2022

D R O U G H T  I N  I T A L Y

Last summer, Europe saw exceptional drought, and Italy was no exception, unfortunately. This winter has seen very little rain (not to mention very little snow), so I guess we already can start preparing ourselves for a complicated summer 2023 ahead.

In July and August 2022 I wrote in my blog about my visits to some struggling rivers; first I went to see Ticino downstream near Bereguardo and Pavia, and then Po near Cremona.

I was supposed to return to Bereguardo for another visit in August; a local man had promised to take me for a boat ride on Ticino, but the trip had to be cancelled because the water level was too low and it was impossible to move on the river by boat in that area, so instead I went to Lake Maggiore where Ticino passes through on its way from Switzerland to Italy. (And later still I loaded my bike on train again and went to see the point where Ticino joins Po near Pavia—and managed to have flat tyre on both wheels 9km/5.6 miles from the nearest bike shop and without a repair kit with me...)

All blog posts—with some posts both in English and in Italian—can be found here.


Let's be in touch soon! A presto! Ollaan pian yhteydessä!



On various occasions, I've seen that photo editors wish to be included among the recipients of newsletters from photographers about their work developments and whereabouts, so if you don't remember subscribing to this newletter, I've probably taken the liberty of doing so for you. Naturally, you can unsubscribe right away by clicking on the link below — and I apologize for the inconvenience!